The 3rd edition of LingCor: Workshop on Spoken Corpus Linguistics will be organised at the Institut für Romanistik of the University of Vienna from 25 to 26 July, 2024. It follows the first two editions of LingCor, which were celebrated at the Universitat de València (2018) and the Universitat d’Alacant (2019), within the project of elaboration of the corpus “Parlars. Corpus Oral del Valencià Col·loquial”.
The International Workshop on Spoken Corpus Linguistics aims to be a forum for discussion among linguists working with spoken corpus data with a focus on, but not limited to, Romance languages and varieties, either from the perspective of corpus studies (morphosyntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonetics & phonology, variationist and quantitative analyses) or from the perspective of spoken corpus construction (data collection, selection of informants, dialectal and sociolectal divisions, labelling and annotation of the corpus). The workshop is open to all theoretical approaches and welcomes contributions dealing with spoken corpus data from various angles.
We are pleased that the following invited speakers have confirmed their participation:
Marta Albelda
(University of Valencia)
Pekka Posio
(University of Helsinki)
Malte Rosemeyer
(FU Berlin)